Did you sustain an injury in a car crash that happened due to a drunk driver? Do you have a medical malpractice lawsuit in Des Moines? Do you want to sue for a slip-and-fall injury? These are usual situations when you need to file a personal injury claim, and the purpose is to recover a fair settlement that covers the damages you have endured, including lost income and medical wages. If this is your first time filing a claim, here are some mistakes to avoid. 

1 – Going solo with a claim 

You may assume you have a strong case and can handle things alone, but this could backfire. Working with a Des Moines personal injury law firm gives you an edge to tide through the battle. Insurance companies and at-fault parties will always try to pin the blame on you, and more importantly, you may not understand the reasons why your claim was denied, or the payout was lower than what you expected. Lawyers know exactly how to negotiate and will not settle for anything less than what the claim is worth. 

2 – Not asking questions when hiring a lawyer 

If you are considering seeking legal help, it is just as pertinent that you engage the right attorney. Choose someone who is local and available, and they should specialize in personal injury law. Remember that there is a wide range of claims, and it is best to work with someone who understands and has experience with cases like yours. When you hire an attorney, ask questions. No question is stupid or banal, and an attorney’s job is to explain every detail to you. 

3 – Trusting the insurance adjuster

Insurance companies aim for more premiums and not claims. If you believe the claims adjuster is on your side because they are talking nicely, you are mistaken. These are insurance agents who have the job to reduce payouts and protect the interests of their employer. Avoid saying anything that can go against you, and more importantly, if you are being asked to offer a recorded statement, you have the right to politely decline. Instead, ask the insurance adjuster to talk to your lawyer. 

4 – Admitting fault

It often happens that the claimant has a share of responsibility for the accident, but that doesn’t always bar them from recovering a settlement. According to the modified comparative fault rule in Iowa, you have the right to pursue your case against the other at-fault person as long as your fault share is lower than theirs. The final compensation would be adjusted accordingly. However, even in such circumstances, do not admit fault to anyone. Only your attorney should know the real picture. 

5 – Waiting for a long time to hire a lawyer 

If you want an injury lawyer to help you, it is imperative that you engage them immediately after the mishap. Keep in mind that collecting and recovering evidence in the initial stages is much easier, and your lawyer will immediately swing into action. While lawyers are useful across all stages of a case, their involvement will yield better results when they are involved early. 

Lastly, don’t accept the first offer you get. Claimants often end up taking whatever is offered by the insurance company or the other party, primarily because of the immediate financial distress. You don’t want to stake your chances. Wait for your lawyer to recover a fair settlement, and if that requires filing a lawsuit or taking the case before the jury, they will do that, too. Find an attorney who is compassionate and will not mind being aggressive and tough as the case demands. 

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